Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lost in 3 minutes - If you want to know it all or understand it...

Nerimon quickly goes over and explains LOST for all of us in 3 minutes
(Major Lost Spoiler of course - watching the below could ruin the show for you)

(More Spoilers below)
He explains what happened but it doesn't mean that everything added up...
The Man in Black was wrong about being able to spread his evil all over
but did he want to do that with his black smoke and he has no control
over that? Also if the Island and all its powers were shut off, how is it
possible for the Man In Black to still be walking around as a dead guy
(Locke)? He was only able to do that because he had the smoke powers,
so technically when the island lost its powers, the Man In Black should have died
but then Jack couldn't have a big matrix style fight with him and get stabbed in the process
which was what really lead to his death since his Jacob powers were turned off.
Him putting the cork back in didn't kill him or even hurt him in the slightest...
the light only seemed to change the Man In Black... who knows....right Darlton?!

Loved watching Lost -- didn't like the ending.... Lost Finale was entertaining
as was much of Lost but not nearly what it could have been. Also at least
1 deleted scene with Hurley as protector of the island with Ben as his number two
will be included on the Lost set of dvds along with what I bet are Darlton
explaining what they chose not to which is not cool. I'm sure it'll all be online
soon enough anyways!

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